2nd Wednesday Club

This is the 4th month of posting on the 2nd Wednesday club and the one year anniversary of its conception. Its amazing to look back and see what has changed in the past year (though at times it feels as if nothing has changed).

In the past year God has:

  • Grown my friendships so much deeper (especially with Christa) and allowed me to experience true biblical fellowship.
  • Given me a greater glimpse of the cross and his undeniable love for me (at Na through Bob Kauflin's song).

  • Shown me true patience, love, and forgiveness (through the Thomas')

  • Given me a desire to study His Word and has richly encouraged me through those times.

  • Taken secrets from my past and given joy in its place (Blackberry Valley Rd)

  • Revealed to me that the book of Mark is not merely a story but is rather true, living and piercing to the heart (thanks Jim and Rick!)

  • Given me very specific victories over sin.

  • Made me "a fifth grader" - by His Grace alone!

  • Proved His sovereignty - by lovingly guiding me (often against my will)

Father help me not to doubt your love. Help me not to doubt your concern and care in my life. Thank you for how you have worked in the past year. I pray that you would continue that work - show yourself even greater by providing our needs and answering our prayers. Be gracious once again in your lovingkindness. Thank you that your steadfast love never ceases. It never ends. We look to you with hopeful anticipation for what you can do.