Since the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, then defining it is crucial. Since proclaiming it is a necessity, then understanding the gospel is mission critical and applying the gospel must be primary because loving God and man is our goal.
We experience victory but we don't live there all the time.
We are not conformed to the image of Christ; we are being conformed.
The gospel is about a relationship with a person who loves me and whom I love. It is not just duty. It is based on a relationship built out of love.
The answer to every single issue or problem in life can be found in the gospel.
No one responds to truth. They respond to their interpretation of the truth. What is your filter when you are looking at the truths found in God's word? We are subjective creatures - only God can look at truth objectively.
How does complaining show that you have the wrong "interperative grid" when viewing the gospel? James 2:8-10, Romans 1:29-31 - there are no categories to sin.
The more we understand the depths of our sin, the more amazing grace becomes. Our sin points us to our dependency on Christ. Rejoice in my infirmities - Why? that the POWER of Christ may dwell in me - how can this power dwell in me? Because I am relying on HIs strength - when I am weak, his power is able to shine through me.
What is your dominating sin pattern? That is the area in my life for me to most humbly rely on God. How do we fight it? prostrate ourselves before the throne of God. When we try it in our own strength its like a rollercoaster.
Is God's grace sufficient for me with this unmoveable thorn? 1 Peter 1:4 - inheritance incorruptible. We don't realize what we've already been given. Don't you realize you're a joint heir to the king? Why are you wanting dirt when you already have gold?
Take 10 looks at the cross for every one look at yourself.
Are you more aware of your sin or the grace of God? 1 Jn. 1:7
Friday Night Highlights
Labels: Sermon Application