God is not Silent

God is at work and has been impressing upon my heart this week that He is far from silent. He is at work in numerous ways. He desires growth in us. He desires us to cry out to Him in prayer. He desires for us to know Him better. Why? Because as we know Him better, we grasp a greater understanding of who He is. As we see who He is and how He works, it humbles us. As we are humbled by His might, we cease seeking the glory for ourselves and through this He is magnified. And ultimately we are here for His glory. We are to live so that our lives bring Him glory (not exault our own ambitions). As we cry out to Him in prayer, it shows our dependence on Him instead of self-reliance. All this started with a prayer that was sent to me this past Wednesday from Sarah.

Here are some excerpts from the prayer:
"My Lord and my faithful and all-knowing God, I ask that you speak through Rick today in a radiant, winsome, refreshing, and provident way. Give him courage, give him faith, give him joy and compassion. Humble his heart that He might best point these other men and women to the glorious mystery of You and all that You are and all that that so beautifully and graciously requires. May he tremble at Your power, rest in Your promise, and declare Your goodness, grace and wonders today. . . . Savior, let those who are weary be impassioned for the journey to which You have called them to. Let those who are searching find enlightenment and care at your throne of grace. May Your gospel be amplified. May Your name be lifted up. . . . Thank you for yet another opportunity to reflect upon your abounding favor and kindness. You are truly awesome and I’m so grateful for all that You are about – though I am aware of ever-so-small a part of it."

I've got to admit that prayer was convicting to me. Convicting because I don't pray with that much depth and seriousness. I don't go into that much detail when I'm before the throne. I just ask - God please bless so and so in this specific endeavor. and so on. But asking that someone tremble at the power of God, rest in His promises, and declare His goodness, grace and wonders... that type of prayer is very God focused, with the understanding of human weakness and inability to perform anything worthwhile. With the serious awareness that its not of our own merit that anything good happens.

Sarah's prayer is oozing with gratefulness and worship. I pray that God would give me that same gratitude as I approach Him. I pray that my goal would become more like hers - a deep desire to see God's glory and His name magnified as opposed to my own agenda. That He would give me a gratefulness for what He has already done with a deeper understanding of who He is and always will be.