The all-sufficiency of Christ

The all sufficiency of Christ
(Octavius Winslow, "It Is Well" 1860)

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16

Look away from . . . your sins, your backslidings, your unfruitfulness, your infirmities, your shortcomings, and your flaws.

Look to Christ, and get a closer, clearer, fuller view of the cross.

The all sufficiency of Christ meets your case.

Sweet truth!

I ask not how peculiar, how aggravated, how desperate, how discouraging, the state of your soul may be. I hesitate not to affirm that such is Christ, such His love, His compassion, His fullness, His power.

Your condition of soul comes within the scope of His sufficiency.

Christ's merit meets your demerit.
Christ's unchangeableness meets your backslidings.
Christ's grace meets your corruptions.
Christ's blood meets your guiltiness.
Christ's fullness meets your emptiness.
Christ's power meets your impossibilities.
Christ's compassion meets your misery.
Christ's sympathy meets your sorrow.
Christ's intercession covers all your circumstances and needs.

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." John 1:16