Daddy, be near to me. Listen to me. I'm crying for you. Please don't judge me - I know I deserve that judgment but I cling to the promise that your cross is sufficient. I cannot stand before you if not for Christ so I hide in the shadow of His sin-removing cross. His payment that covered all my sin - this is why I can come and call you Daddy. So, Daddy, I'm hurt. Please listen to me. Please be near and care as I'm crying out to you. I'm discouraged and crushed. I'm lifeless. The only life flowing in me is that of my sin. Be faithful once again to strip me of my sins and to once again bring me to life. You've been faithful in my past - now I need grace for today and hope for tomorrow. God, I'm crying. I'm reaching. But without your compassion its to no avail. Listen to me - not because I deserve it but, Daddy, your love doesn't change. Show me once again that love. I'm dry and need the healing rains of your unchanging love. Lead me, guide me, hold me, take me where I need to go because I can't see the way. Help me - I'm coming to you to be my help and safe rock. Teach me - my heart is ready to learn. Guide me - I'm listening. Help me - I'm weak. Continue and complete what you started. Comfort me that its true - you can't and won't give up. Your love will last forever. You won't leave me as an orphan. You are near to me. Help me - I'm in trouble and need you to pick me up. Carry me to your table - I'm hungry and longing to be fed. I'm desperate Daddy. I'm gonna die without your care. Help! Don't be angry - forgive me for turning from. Please be near to me as you strip my idols away. Please turn your ear to listen. I need you.