I was reading a blog this morning and once again came up the concept of Christ becoming a speck of dust. here's the post... its on the humiliation of Christ... http://blazingcenter.blogspot.com/
In care group Friday, Rick was comparing the Incarnation to us becoming a speck of dust to save the dust mites. On Sunday, Matt gave the same comparison and then this morning I ran across this post.
"A leading researcher on humiliation, Dr. Evelin Lindner, defines humiliation as 'the enforced lowering of a person or group, a process of subjugation that damages or strips away their pride, honor or dignity.' Further, humiliation means to be placed, against ones will, in a situation where one is made to feel inferior. 'One of the defining characteristics of humiliation as a process is that the victim is forced into passivity, acted upon, made helpless.' Johan Galtung, a leading practitioner, agrees with Lindner that the infliction of humiliation is a profoundly violent psychological act that leaves the victim with a deep wound to the psyche." (Beyondintractability.org)
Christmas celebrates the humiliation of Christ.The Incarnation was the humbling of the King of the universe, the stripping away of his honor and dignity. The Creator of all is born a helpless babe. The One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills is born in poverty. The One who directs the stars in their courses is laid in a trough, dependent on the care of his mother and father. The One who sends the rain cries out in hunger and thirst. The King of glory becomes a speck of dust.
The reality of this blows me away. God who was complete chose to take on this humiliation to come to the earth as a helpless, needy child. He was utterly dependent on care of others. He who needed nothing now took on a weak body that requires sleep. He who created all chose to become "the Least" - why?? to rescue me... to impute His charachter on me. He came to me to adopt me as His child. Me - who rejected Him, who despised Him and like those present the day of His crucifixion -- me, who mocked and ridiculed Him for His weakness.
He who was all powerful became weak for me - who was all weakness so that I could experience His power in my life. That power that raised Him from the dead freed me from the slavery to my sin. That strength displayed in His humility gives me the strength to practice humility in my life. That trust that He had in His Father, gives me an example of how to trust my Father. What a paradox the Incarnation is. What a mystery He has revealed. He is the Hope that the entire world has been waiting for. Yet He didn't come as a ruler - He came as a baby. He came veiled in flesh not as the obvious Ruler of All. The more I understand this, the sweeter Election becomes. Praise be to God who sovereignly ordained all of these details and then for some reason chose at the perfect time to open my eyes to that mystery revealed.
Dust Mites
Labels: God's Kindness, Sermon Application, testimony