Only Two Answers

Rick often says that there are only two answers to all of life's problems - the Gospel or pride. This means that often our answer is simply to realize that the cross paid the penalty for our sin completely and has permanently and wholly transformed our nature and also often the answer is repentence.

That is so simple its hard to forget it. I tend to overcomplicate things so that there are 43 layers to work through, then I get overwhelmed and quit. 2 answers/ 2 solutions is doable. So, I was thinking through how this works out in my life. Do I really believe it? Do I truly live knowing these are the only 2 solutions I'll ever need?

I was thinking through this and for my life, have changed it and tweaked it a bit. The two answers to all my problems can be found in my Jesus or in my idolatry. my Jesus because its about a personal relationship. The gospel is deeper than some foreign person doing some foreign act to rescue some unknown sinner to him. It is about a Father loving his child so much that He sacrifices and gives His Son. Its about that Son loving His Father so much that He obeyed and was willing to offer up His perfect life as a sacrifice for the shredded pieces of mine. Its about care, concern, love, compassion and joy. The answer to my problems can be found in my relationship with my Friend. It is found in my Savior and my Father.

The other flip-side of this coin is my idolatry (or pride). Idolatry is saying that something other than Jesus Christ is enough for me. Not that Jesus meets my basic needs and leaves me there, but that He wholly satisfies and completes EVERY part of me. Anything less is idolatry. That's why CJ says there are no days off allowed. This is pervasive. Idols invade every area. Idols draw my gaze away from my Hope. Idols show me my sin and leave me condemned. Idols leave me empty. Yet I run, like a monkey after that banana knowing in an hour I'll be hungry again.

Yet Jesus says "come - to you who are thirsty - come, buy and eat. Buy food without price, eat and be satisfied, find rest... if you're weary, just rest in me. I'm holding you in the waves. I'm meeting your needs in a trillion unaware ways. I care for you. I satisfy. Don't look to fill in the blank to satsify you. Don't think that when you're out of debt or skinnier or married or... that you will be complete. Find your complete satsifaction in me - where you are today. Enjoy today and what I'm doing now. Enjoy me now, let love for me consume your thoughts."