
So, I went to the dr today and apparently migranes are not my problem. I apparently have some kind of infection or parasite in my brain. I've lovingly named him Mike and I want him to die.

I'm on meds now and go back in 6 weeks. I'm hoping and praying this helps. We'll see...

God has been very kind through this. I want that intimate closeness to continue whether the migraines do or not. That would be my prayer. I don't want that sweetness to end with the migraines. And if the migraines don't end, I don't want the sweetness to either. God is good. He is kind and has been patient with my weakness throughout this.

I'm grateful for that. I'm glad for His grace at work. I'm desperately needy for more of it. And thankfully, I have the promise that it will never run dry. That's cool.